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Radical Hospitality®: Seeing Our Unhoused Neighbors Through the Eyes of Love


The first time I offered a warm meal to an unhoused neighbor, I expected gratitude. Instead, I saw something I wasn’t prepared for—hesitation, even fear. It wasn’t the food they doubted; it was me. Would I truly see them? Would I acknowledge their dignity? Or would I, like so many others, simply offer charity without connection?

We often think of homelessness as a crisis of housing, but at its core, it’s a crisis of belonging. Of being unseen. Of being forgotten. True hospitality isn’t just about providing resources—it’s about creating space where people feel human again. Where they aren’t just a problem to be solved but a person to be known and loved.

Radical Hospitality asks something deeper of us. It challenges us to move beyond comfort, beyond convenience, beyond simply “helping” from a distance. It dares us to sit, to listen, to learn names, to share stories. To recognize that serving the unhoused isn’t about doing a good deed—it’s about restoring the community we’ve allowed to fracture. It’s about reclaiming the truth that we belong to each other.

Love isn’t transactional. Dignity isn’t something we hand out like a blanket or a meal—it’s something we affirm in every interaction. And when we show up, when we love with no strings attached, we become part of the solution. Not just for them, but for all of us.

The next time you pass someone on the street, don’t just look away. Don’t just assume someone else will help. Instead, meet their eyes. Offer a smile, a word, a moment of recognition. Start there. Because the first step to ending homelessness isn’t just a house—it’s a heart willing to love beyond fear.

Join us. Let’s make Radical Hospitality a way of life.

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