Every new year brings a new beginning and the promise of a fresh start. It’s why we commonly make New Year Resolutions. There’s nothing like an entire year ahead of you to inspire the changes you would like to see.
This year however, I’ve been noticing a common theme across many social media channels. After surviving nearly two years of a pandemic, people are wary of making any resolutions.
Part of the reason people are hesitant to make resolutions is because we have all learned that things can change at any moment. When a virus can trigger a world wide shut down, it’s hard to look into the future and plan a course of action. While the world is inching closer to normal, or a “new normal”, there are still two years of uncertainty and survival that have weighed heavily on even the strongest of people. Which is why many people can’t even fathom making a resolution. To put it bluntly, people are exhausted.
Yet life goes on, and still asks things of us. There are still changes we would all like to see, and goals we would all like to reach. In a time where any goal beyond survival seems insurmountable, how do we still press in to actualize the best for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities?
No goal is reached without changing our habits. In fact, the difference between the changes we want to see, and the reality we’re living in now, is our habits. Instead of seeing our habits as large strides we need to make, what if we broke them down to small and simple steps?
We often feel so discouraged when we don’t see grand outcomes, that we discount any opportunity for progress. If we can’t run a mile, we decide not to run at all, rather than show up consistently to run the half mile we are actually capable of running.
To put it in the context of improving our community, we often become so discouraged about everything that needs to change, we don’t show up in the small and simple opportunities that present themselves. What if we could wrap our minds around the fact that while we can’t change everything, we could change something?
What are small ways we can create change in our community?
1. We could give our time. SHARE Community is only one of many organizations that offer an opportunity to serve. We have our Mobile Shower Program and Adopt-A-Block programs which are both actively taking on volunteers. Click on the buttons below to find out how you can volunteer!
2. We could give our resources. We have areas of need for our programs, where both in-kind and monetary donations are welcome. Whether it’s garbage bags for our Adopt-A-Block program, hygiene items for our mobile shower program, or a monetary donation where 100% of the proceeds go right back into serving the community, no gift is too small. Consider viewing our wishlist for our shower program, or our giving page to see different ways to give.
3. We could change the narrative. If you’re short on time, or resources, even just being willing to change the narrative speaks volumes. Here at SHARE we refer to the “homeless” community, as our “unhoused neighbors”. Why? Well the first reduces people to a label based on a temporary circumstance, while the latter takes the stance that these are members of the community without access to resources. This lack of access to resources does not make them any less a member of our community as anyone else. Make a commitment to using terminology which upholds the dignity of all.
What are some simple ways you give back to your community? Let us know in the comments below.