On November 30th the City of Antioch hosted a Unity and Healing ceremony to uplift the city and inspire change and meaningful action. The event hosted several key community leaders, Antioch city council members, and representatives from our local political districts. The night also hosted religious leaders from various spiritual denominations who shared messages of encouragement with the city guests. However, the most exciting part of the night was when members of the community were awarded Antioch’s highest and most respected honor and recognition - the key to the city.
With deep excitement SHARE Community witnessed our Founder Ricka Davis-Sheard receive one of the keys to the city- a well-earned, and well-deserved honor for her work with the unhoused community. It’s hard to believe that the organization that began with her deep conviction to help one of the most overlooked populations within our community has now grown to a point where it is gaining the recognition of the city.
True to form, she used the moment where she was being honored, to further advocate for the needs of the greater community.
In her acceptance speech, she shared “I accept this key to the city with a heavy heart for the struggles of the forgotten and the marginalized, but also with a sense of hope and determination that we can work together to bring about positive change. When I look at this key, I see a symbol of opportunity, a token of inclusion, and a promise of representation for those who have been neglected. It represents the potential for a better future, where everyone, regardless of their circumstance, is seen, valued, and given the chance to thrive.”
To quote Mayor Lamar Thorpe “sometimes it feels like the darkness in our community has the loudest voice.” In a city, and a world, where negativity is often centralized, it is inspiring to see how various leaders have stepped up to resolve the issues they see facing our community. Their tireless advocacy has made our city shine all the brighter.
We have always known here that Ricka is a light for so many, and it's our deepest honor to witness how she shines, not for her own benefit, but the for the benefit of our community. Her speech left us with this final conviction that “the key to the city represents an opportunity for us to open doors that have long been closed to the unhoused members of our community.”
We hope that you will consider joining us in opening this door, by making a donation so that Ricka, and SHARE Community, can continue to make an impact for our unhoused neighbors. Together we can ensure that every one of our community members is upheld with dignity, and given the opportunity to thrive.